League Rules

The league will run on a team-versus-team format. The first 15 weeks of the NFL season will be our regular season. The three division winners and three wildcard teams will be in the playoffs. Week 16 will be the first week of the playoffs with the top 2 division winners having a bye (they will play an exhibition game). Week 17 will be the semi-finals and week 18 will be the Fantasy Bowl. The team with the most total points for the week will win the weekly prize. Teams tied for the weekly winner will divide the weekly prize evenly.

Starting Roster
1 Quarterback
2 Running Backs
3 Wide Receivers
1 Tight End
1 Kicker
1 Defense/Special Teams

Any player that plays multiple positions will only be eligible at his dominant position. This is determined at the time he enters the MNSH by draft/pickup or if he switches positions, by a majority league decision.

The Draft
Each owner will draft an 20 player roster. You may select any players in the NFL. There is no limit to the number of players you may draft at a particular position (but remember every player will have a bye week). You will have 2 minutes for each draft pick. You will also have one 2 minute time-out.

Draft Order
The draft order will be determined by a lottery drawing a few weeks before the draft. There is a drawing for every odd-numbered round from round 19 to round 1. The corresponding even round will be in the reverse order of the odd round. For Example:
Round 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Round 2: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Draft picks cannot be traded.

The divisions will be determined by the first round draft order:
Stonecutters Division: 1, 6, 7, 12
Duff Division: 2, 5, 8, 11
Shelbyville Division: 3, 4, 9, 10

Each week you will play against another team in the league. You will play each team in your division twice. Schedules will be posted before the beginning of the season and are determined before the draft by the 1st round draft order. The owner whose team scores the most total points that week is awarded a win. In the event of a tie, the win will be awarded to the team with the highest individual point total of that week. If both team's highest individual point total is the same, then we go to the next highest individual point total and so on. In the nearly impossible situation of 9 identical scores, the best individual score of the preceding week will be used.

After week 15, the three division winners and three wildcard teams will go to the playoffs. The wildcard teams will be determined without regard to division (just like the NFL system). For teams with identical records, total points will be used to break the tie. If the total points are also tied, then the head-to-head record will be used. If the head-to-head record is a split, the head-to-head totals will be used. If the teams have yet to play each other, the team that was higher in the standings the previous week will remain in that position.

Website & Email
You must provide an email address to be notified of trades and league activity/transactions. All league information will be posted on the MNSH website. You will be notified of trade offers, votes, and sometimes lineups by email.

Starting Lineups
You can officially report your starting lineup to the league and to your opponent by submitting your lineup through the team manager. Acceptable forms of notification to your opponent are: team manager, phone, email, verbal, or written. The commissioner will only accept lineups or changes by email until midnight, the night before a game (see deadlines below).

In the event of a communication failure (i.e. team manager failure, unable to leave voicemail, email failure, etc.), you must report your lineup to the commissioner and another owner, your opponent and another owner, or two other owners. Always notify the commissioner of lineups or changes, only report to two other owners in the rarest of occasions when no one can be reached at the MNSH Headquarters. Someone is always home to take lineups and/or changes. Email should be used only as a very, very last resort on game day. Emails are time stamped and if you try to submit a lineup via email on game day you are at risk. It is not our responsibility to make sure emails come through. If you have submitted a lineup via email the night before, I will normally reply to your email verifying that your lineup has been received. If you haven’t received an email notification before kickoff that your lineup has been accepted by email, make a phone call to ensure that your lineup has been received.

The rule regarding reporting of lineups to two parties is designed to be a verification system and a safeguard against a failed communication attempt or commissioner error. If your attempt to report a lineup to your opponent has unknowingly failed, the lineup reported to the commissioner will stand. The lineup reported to the commissioner will take precedence over all other reported lineups, including unchanged lineups.

Starting lineups must be reported to the commissioner and your opponent by the kickoff of the first game on Sunday of that week. This can be done through the team manager. If there is a Thursday or Saturday game that week, players involved in those games must be entered or taken out by the kickoff of the Thursday or Saturday game. All other players can be reported on Sunday.

If you make a RB or WR change for a Thursday or Saturday game, you must specify which player you are substituting out. If you only report one RB or WR for a Thursday/Saturday game that did not play the previous week and you do not report a lineup for Sunday, the other RB or WR position will be left blank. Arrangements can be made to make changes to multiple weeks for extreme circumstances. If no lineup is reported, the lineup of the preceding week will be used.

Deadlines To Report Lineups
Sunday Games
Team Manager: Monday - Sunday Kickoff
Email: Saturday @ Midnight (12:00 A.M.)
Phone: Tuesday - Sunday Kickoff

Thursday Games*
Team Manager: Monday - Thursday Kickoff
Email: Wednesday @ Midnight (12:00 A.M.)
Phone: Tuesday - Thursday Kickoff

Saturday Games*
Team Manager: Monday - Saturday Kickoff
Email: Friday @ Midnight (12:00 A.M.)
Phone: Tuesday - Saturday Kickoff

*only if you have players involved in Thursday or Saturday games

Offensive Scoring
6 pts - Touchdown Rushing
6 pts - Touchdown Receiving
6 pts - Touchdown Kick Return / Punt Return / Turnover
3 pts - Touchdown Passing
3 pts - Field Goal (49 Yards Or Less)
4 pts - Field Goal (50-54 Yards)
5 pts - Field Goal (55+ Yards)
1 pt - Extra Point
2 pts - Two Point Conversion Rushing
2 pts - Two Point Conversion Receiving
1 pt - Two Point Conversion Passing
1 pt - Every 10 Yards Rushing
1 pt - Every 10 Yards Receiving
1 pt - Every 20 Yards Passing

Yardage Totals Are Not Rounded Up (49 yds Rushing = 4pts)

Defensive Scoring
6 pts - Defensive Touchdown
6 pts - Kick Return Touchdown
6 pts - Punt Return Touchdown
2 pts - Fumble Recovery
2 pts - Interception
2 pts - Safety
1 pt - Sack
1 pt - Block
20 pts - Shutout
+1 pt - For Every Point Under 14 (If Shutout Is Broken)

Defensive points will be calculated for every point under 14 starting at 13; NFL score of 13 will award 1 pt for your fantasy defense. Meaning you will not receive a point if the opposing team's offense playing your defense scores 14 points. If the other NFL team’s defense or special teams scores a touchdown or a safety, you will need to subtract that from the score. For example, final NFL score Bears beat the Giants 17-14. During the game the Bears intercepted a pass and ran it in for a touchdown. 6 pts are awarded to the Bears defense along with the 2 pts for the interception. The Giants defense will receive 4 pts for keeping the Bears offense below 14. Bears have 17 as their final score, but subtract 7 pts from the Bears score for the defensive touchdown to make the fantasy score of 10 and calculate the defensive points for the fantasy Giants defense.

Anytime your Defense or Special Teams is on the field, and they score a touchdown, you will be rewarded 6 pts regardless of what happens during the play. The only way you don't receive the 6 pts for the touchdown is if your Special Teams scores on a fake field goal, or fake punt. Because the fake happens on an offensive down, that is still considered and offensive play and does not count toward your defensive points.

The official points that players earn throughout the year will come from nfl.com. Any discrepancies will be researched by the commissioner and changed accordingly. It is your responsibility to notify the commissioner of any miscalculations.

If a scoring error by the team manager affects the win/loss outcome of a game, an appeal to amend the error must be filed by the kickoff of the next week. A scoring error by the team manager that does not affect the win/loss outcome of a game, but affects the standings, must be appealed before the kickoff of the Monday Night game of the next pickup week. Appeals for all scoring errors that affect game/standings outcomes in weeks 14-18 must be filed before the kickoff of the next week. Appeals for scoring errors that affect the Fantasy Bowl must be filed within 1 week.

There will be atleast six opportunities during the season for an owner to cut a player from his roster and pickup a free agent player. These will happen after weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. The order of the pickup will go in the reverse order of the standings. Once a player is cut, any team may add him during any pickup week. Pickups may be traded, but the traded pickup will be in the order of the original owner’s place in the standings, and not the owner it was traded to.

Pickups will be held on Tuesdays, and Wednesdays if necessary. We will contact you when it is your pick, and you have a 2-3 hour window to contact us back with your pickup and drop. If you know that making a pickup between that time period will be difficult for you, please give us a list of players on Monday or Tuesday, and we will pick the top player from you list (if he is available).

If we do not hear back from you during your pickup window, we will contact you a last time. If that fails, we will go onto the next team's pickup, and your pickup will be skipped until you are ready to make a selection. If your pickup was skipped, you will not be able to add any players that were dropped after your previous pickup position. It is your responsibility to make a pickup, so be sure to have a list or player ready when we contact you.

Teams are allowed to skip their weekly pickup (if desired) during the waiver pickup period and use it at anytime up to Sunday 12:00am (11:59pm Saturday). If a team skips their pickup to hold onto and use later in the week, the pickup itself can not be traded.

Any weekly pickup not used by Sunday 12:00am (11:59pm Saturday), will automatically be forfeited. No pickups can be used on a player that is playing or has already played for that given week. Players that have an early game in the given week must be picked up before the game starts. After any early games have started, those players are locked until the following week.

Float Pickups
There will be 2 float pickups given to each team, available after the completion of Week 3 pickups. They can be used at anytime on a first come first serve basis starting 12:00am Wednesday of the given week. THESE ARE NOT TRADEABLE AND MUST INCLUDE A DROP. This will be handled using the "Group Me" app. It will be the timestamp that is used to determine who gets that person first. For example, in the group messaging on the "Group Me" app, you would write, Peeps Float Pickup Stephen Davis RB WAS Drop Steve Smith WR CAR.

On pickup weeks, the weekly pickups must be completed first before a float can be used. You will get a total of 2 floats. The first one must be used between weeks 3-8. The second one will be available between weeks 9-18. Any unused float will be forfeited after each set of given weeks. Only the 6 teams that make the playoffs, if they did not use their second float pickup, will be able to carry over their pickup into the playoffs and can be used up to Week 18.

Any player dropped using a float pickup will NOT be available to be picked up until the following week. You can use your float(s) all the way up to 12:00am Sunday (11:59pm Saturday) of Week 14.

You may trade with any team once the draft is complete, and any time before the trade deadline. Three for one trades, trades involving pickups, etc. are allowed. Trades are only official when a trade is accepted by both teams through the team manager on the MNSH website.

Trade Requirements
• The trade ratio may not exceed 3:1 (4 or more players for one is not allowed)
• Any trade performed must have at least one player on each side of the trade
• You cannot trade standalone pickups for players or pickups for pickups
• A pickup is considered a player in the trade ratio
• If you trade a player away, and get him back at a later time, you cannot play him until 3 full NFL weeks are played from when the original trade occured

The trade deadline is kickoff of the first Sunday game of Week 12. For every trade throughout the season, you must have the trade accepted through the team manager by 11:59:59pm on Saturday night, for those players to be eligible to play that Sunday or Monday. Players that are involved in trades that are accepted on Sunday or Monday, will not be eliglible to play until the following week.

League Fees
Failing to pay league fees will result in a locked roster. A team will still be able to put in a lineup, but WILL NOT be able to make a trade or participate in any of the pickup weeks until done so. If a pickup week has passed before a team has paid in full, that team will not be able to make up that pickup. If a team pays all of the amount owed on a pickup week, they can still pickup a player during the normal pickup rotation, or up till 2 hours before kickoff of the first game of that current week, if the pickup rotation has passed.

Playoff Schedule
Week 16
#3 Division Winner vs. #3 Wildcard Winner
#1 Wildcard Winner vs. #2 Wildcard Winner
#1 Division Winner vs. #2 Division Winner (Exhibition)

Week 17
#1 Division Winner vs. Lowest Ranked Winner
#2 Division Winner vs. Highest Ranked Winner

Week 18
Fantasy Bowl
Highest Ranked Winner vs. Lowest Ranked Winner

Rules & Voting
Any discrepancies in rules that are not written here will be decided by a vote of all owners, with the commissioner having the tie-breaking vote. Each team will have 1 vote point.

Toilet Bowl
Each team that doesn't make playoffs is automatically eligible for the toilet bowl prize.

Toilet Bowl Format
The format for the toilet bowl is not head-to-head, instead each team will place in a lineup and their score for the week will be weighed from highest to lowest. For NFL weeks 16 and 17, the highest score of the 6 teams will receive 6 Toilet Bowl points, the second highest team gets 5 Toilet Bowl points, and so on, the lowest score will receive 1 point. No teams will be eliminated from the Toilet Bowl. For NFL week 18, the point system is double the points minus one. So the highest score for week 18 will receive 11 Toilet Bowl points (6 pts times 2 minus 1). The second highest score will receive 9 Toilet Bowl points (5 pts times 2 minus 1) and so on. Again, the lowest score for the week will still only receive 1 point (1 point times 2 minus 1). The team with the most Toilet Bowl points for the 3 weeks of play (16,17,18) will be the winner and king of the throne.

Toilet Bowl Ties
On a weekly basis ties are determined by the highest individual point total of the week. In the event of a three-way or more tie, the highest individual point total will determine each teams rank for that week. If a tie were to take place in the totals of Toilet Bowl points, the team, starting box score totals will determine the teams rank. In the unlikely event of a tie between those points, the 'started' NFL player with the most points between weeks 16-18, will break this tie. If other rules or ties need to be created to better suit the needs of the league. A vote will be taken up by the 6 teams that are not involved with the toilet bowl, to ensure consistency with league standards.

Prize Money
This is the breakdown of the $3240 that is collected for the league. The entry price for each team is $270 with a total of 12 teams.

Regular Season
$300 - 1st Division Winner
$200 - 2nd Division Winner
$100 - 3rd Division Winner
$100 - Fantasy Pool Winner
$100 - NFL Confidence Pool Winner
$1125 - Weekly Prizes 1-15 $75/each

$400 - Champion
$25 - Toilet Bowl Winner
$100 - Week 16 Exhibition 1st Division vs. 2nd Division Winner
$200 - Week 17 Winners x2 $100/each

The Rest
$590 - League Fees / Website / Software / Trophy / Ring / Draft Day